Hi, I'm Alfeus Nghilinganye

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What I Do

Making an impact in the world of Information Technology most preferably in programming as well as being an individual with potent in getting thing working powered by critical thinking and strong analytical power.

More about me

I obtain an honors degree in Software Development (NQF-8), In as much as I have a passion in coding, I also have hands on Technical work which includes installing and configuring computer hardware or software and being the primary point of contact for IT support. It's not just about web apps. Learning to code gave me problem-solving skills and a way to communicate with others on a technical level. I can develop platforms, Web architecture and use my coding skills to produce great results.


Fullstack developer with primary focus on Web apps: Download Resume

  • Python
  • JAVA
  • C#
  • C++
  • VB.net
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • AJAX & XHR
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
    • Node.js
    • ES6
  • SQL
    • mySQL
    • mySQLi
  • noSQL
    • JSON
    • MongoDB

Some of my projects

Inventory management system

Designed, Developed and mantaining the inventory management system for Media Solutions Group

Ticketing system

Designed, Developed and mantaining the Ticketing system for Media Solutions Group


Designed, Developed and mantaining the website, ecommerce system and online gaming platform for BRITE7

Content Animation Institute

Designed, Developed and mantaining the website and eLearning system for Content Animation Institute

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Website for a construction company

A website for a construction company where they can showcase previous work as well as sharring details with potetial contact, visibility on the internet.

HN Real Estates

Web system where the agent can advertise as well as communicate with potential clients.
